Thursday, January 29, 2009

The universe and our place in it.

I'm fascinated by the universe and how we managed to understand part of it.
We live in the "middle world" of meters and kilometers per hour. Yet we discovered the huge expanses of the cosmos and the tiny world of sub-atomic particles, as show in this Powers of 10 movie.
When we can see thousands of galaxies in a tiny patch of sky with The Hubble Deep Field I find it infinitely arrogant to think the universe has any interest in the activity of a specie of hairless apes that evolved on a small planet, circling an unremarkable star among billions of stars in a galaxy among billions of galaxies in the universe. Keeping the scale, imagine a huge beach with all the sand on our planet, and you pick up one tiny grain of sand and compare it to the rest of the beach. That is our sun compared to the rest of the universe.
I hope someday people understand that we live on a Pale Blue Dot which we must handle with care and on which we make our own future.

A neuroscientists perspective on life

I find Rodolfo Llinás enchanting in his explanation of life and the brain. Here is the interview in which I found about him:
Enter the "i of the vortex"

The book "i of the vortex" is pretty hard, because he explains in detail the activity of brain systems. So approach with caution.

Behavioural economics

I'm fascinated about how easy the human mind can be influenced by minute things. Behavioral economics studies how and why do people make the irrational decisions they usually make.
If you don't have time or are to lazy to read the text, watch the videos, to me, they where an eye opener on so many issues.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Evidence that space-time is not continous and the universe may be a hologram

Physicists are trying to measure gravitational waves but have some problems with noise in their instrument. A theory predicts this noise is causes by the discontinuity of space-time itself. Same theory sees the 3D universe as a holographic projection of a 2D event horizon. In other words
Our world may be a giant hologram

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First post

Hello dear reader,
I'm a software engineer with an interest in science, technology, psychology, brain science, human society, religion and skepticism. Some (at least one) friends asked me to write about the interesting knowledge I find reading, listening or browsing the web, and this will be my answer. Of course, I'll add opinion pieces too, but those should be easily to distinguish from the information gathered from others.
If I'll post anything of interest to you, please feel free to comment about it.
